Services: House Building, Custom Homes and Turnkey Projects

Our expertise in the industry allows us to offer multiple services, keeping up our main standard: quality. As a house building company, we offer several services:

House Building

As mentioned on our about us page, we are a new house builder and thus our main focus is on new-build homes for sale. Therefore, if you intend to buy a property in Portugal, we are certainly a solution, especially if you are looking for in the Lisbon area. We are currently selling these properties.

Building new houses for sale in the last 40 years allowed us to specialize in the residential building and to have an enormous know how about important operational processes:

  • Planning all steps to build a house beforehand
  • Planning and building gardens and pools
  • Coordinating with architecture team for optimizing the available floor area
  • Taking care of all finished interiors

These processes are parts of our construction management tasks. In order to know how we usually build our properties, contact us!

Custom Home

We always try to custom the house according to the customer’s taste. Our goal is to build the property as customers expect and the best way to accomplish that is listening to their opinions and concerns.

How does this process look like? When the customer signs a pre-contract agreement for a property that is still being built, she may custom her future home because she may follow the remaining steps to build the property. For instance, she could choose:

  • Home appliances
  • Construction materials, such as ceramic floor tiles or mosaic tiles
  • Finished interiors, such as
    • kitchen flooring
    • bathroom flooring
    • interior paint colours of all rooms
    • exterior paint colours
  • Bathroom furniture
  • Bathroom fittings and accessories, such as taps, sanitary ware and
  • Outdoor or external blinds
  • Video doorbell intercom
  • Swimming pool
  • Gardens
  • Solar panels
  • Automatic gates
  • Home automation

You can always count on our help! It is easy to feel overwhelmed because there are many options currently available for everything. For example, have you thought about all mosaic tile options you can choose from? We may always give our own, transparent opinion about anything the customer needs. We have been building custom homes for several years, so you may rely on our expertise.

It´s reasonable that customers struggle to make decisions and so they can always come back to us to get some help. For example, once a customer didn´t know how she wanted her bathroom to look like, and we gave bathroom tile ideas so she could have a starting point. Remember, we do not sell any construction materials and thus we do not have any conflict of interest. Feel free to contact us to better understand what it is possible to customize.

However, it´s totally optional and up to the customer; we understand some people do not have the time to pay close attention to all details. You can rely on our expertise in house building and we commit to deliver a high-end property.

If your dream property is a custom built home on your land, we can also be a solution. This may be an option when you already have your lot and are searching for a custom builder.


Turnkey Project

Building a turnkey property sometimes looks like a custom home because we may adapt everything as requested by our customers. Nevertheless, this is optional; customers may want a hassle-free solution and we do not ask for anything. The main benefit for customers is that they do not need to deal with all the things necessary to have high-end property. Usually, our turnkey contracts follow the following process:

  • Briefing: Customer explains what she is looking for: type of home, home design, outdoor area, etc. This is the only step we need customer’s help, in order to better fulfill her expectations
  • Searching for a lot – we will purchase a lot that is aligned with what the customer wants
  • Buying a lot
  • Developing an architectural and specialties project
  • Developing a home design project
  • Building the house
  • End of work

All steps may be followed by the customer if she wants. Nevertheless, we will custom the property according to the customer’s taste. She will be able to choose all aspects explained above on the topic “custom home”, including living room furniture, such as sofa or coffee table.

The fact that the customer has her custom built home exactly as she dreamed, since she may follow the whole building process is the main advantage of buying a turnkey home. It is also a hassle-free solution, which is also a great benefit in this busy world we live in.

If you are trying to find a builder in order to build your dream, new-build home, contact us today!

Would you like to refurbish your home or flat?

Send us a request and we will give you a precise quotation with a detailed description of the job to be done. We are experts in the house building industry, so you are in great company!


House Floor Plans

We work with an architecture office to create our house floor plans. Our expertise is key to create a house floor plan that will be as spacious and comfortable as possible.

Whenever it is possible, we try to custom them so we match easily the customer needs.


Home Design

We believe home design is very important because everyone wants to have a comfortable and beautiful home. Even though we are experts on house building, we do understand this and we believe the home design has a significant influence on our customers’ satisfaction. Therefore, we work with specialized interior designers so we can piggyback on their expertise and deliver the best home design to all properties we sell.


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